So.... in an idle moment I decided to look through one of my many boxes of "stuff". I think I was digging for inspiration, hoping there was some rare artefact I'd forgotten I owned, however, I discovered something that was, ahem, rather deflating. Or should that be deflated?
Bart Simpson, or El Barto to some, was known for pulling the odd prank, including sticking a whoopee cushion under Homer's seat, so it was apt that his likeness appeared on a whoopee cushion. To be honest, I'm not sure where I got this from, but I know where it is going.
Well gone, actually. It has gone in the bin, rather than eBay. Sadly the rubber cushion is brittle with age, which, I hesitate to add, is actually outside of the remit of this blog. The trademark stamp on the item is 2003, so, that'll be the earliest possible date it was purchased.
So, why am I adding an item from the 2000s on a 70s,80s and 90s blog? Well, it was in with some of my older stuff and it's still a collectable (well, it would've been had it not perished). I also though capturing it for posterity on this blog would be useful - after a bit of googling I can't find any mention of it anywhere, hence, I don't know how I got it. I suspect it came with a comic, breakfast cereal, in a mystery bag, or something similar - I don't think it would've been sold separately.
Anyway, it's gone now. ๐